
Bass is a static website generator (Bass=Build A Static Site), written in Python 3. It turns a collection of content pages, assets (PNG, CSS, JS etc.) and templates into a static website, i.e. a website consisting only of directories, HTML pages and the same assets.

The design of Bass borrows ideas from various static site generators, e.g. Wok, Pelican, Jekyll and Wintersmith.


  • separation of content and presentation
  • content pages can have lightweight markup (Markdown, reStructuredText, Textile)
  • ignore certain files and directories in input directory, using file patterns
  • layout is specified by templates
  • templating system uses Chameleon as a basis, but other template engines can be aded
  • development Web server included
  • extension of core features through generic event mechanism


There is a concise but complete manual.


The recommended way to download and install Bass is from the Python Package Index. You can do that with pip:

$ sudo pip install bass

This will install Bass and the required dependencies.

You can also download gzip-ped tar archives here: